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Hoya Pubicalyx Pink Silver Ghost 4 hanging basket- Exact Plant

Hoya Pubicalyx Pink Silver Ghost 4 hanging basket- Exact Plant

Regular price $89.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $89.99 USD
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Hoya pubicalyx pink silver ghost in 4 black hanging basket. Exact plant-you will receive the plant shown in the photos. Ships in basket with hanger packed separately. Last photo added 1/1/25 of new growth.

Shop notes:

You will receive the exact plant listed. Please read entire listing. Plants may be shipping in their pot, in spaghnum moss, bare root or may be a cutting.
For areas with temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, please add heat/insulation listing from store.
Once the plant leaves our care, we are not responsible for any delays or damage incurred during shipping or due to weather conditions.

We are NOT responsible for lost or delayed mail.
Please notify us regarding the condition of the plant upon receipt.
Expect minor cosmetic damage for highly variegated plants, such as browning of leaves and roots, during shipping. Plants may drop leaves. Please understand the risks involved with plant mail, as some plants may not travel as well as others.
While variegated plants are generally stable and can be reproduced through stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, and seeds, there is no guarantee that your new plant will maintain its parent‘s variegation pattern. Please be aware of the risk of the plant reverting to mostly or all-green. Occasionally, plants may exhibit full moon variegation (all white, yellow, pink, etc.).
All sales are final. No returns or refunds will be given. PLEASE contact us with any issues.

By purchasing plants, you have agreed to the terms above.

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